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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

A Leader with OBSESSION is always Remembered.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and today we will learn, one of the important aspects of Leadership.

Topic : A Leader with OBSESSION is always Remembered.

And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to The Lord, and not unto men - Colossians 3:23

Henry Ford (The Automobile), Thomas Edison (inventions), Billy Graham (Evangelism), Oral Roberts (Healing), The Wright Brothers (Airplane), Sachin Tendulkar (Cricket)....all these great men have one thing in common, OBSESSION

Obsession simply means - the state of being strongly pursued with someone or something. It is also defined as an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.

Jesus had obsession as well, He came to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus focused on doing the exact instructions of His Heavenly Father. His obsession took Him to the cross to lay down His life for us. He succeeded in his mission.

What is your Obsession in life ??? What do you desperately wanted to see in your life for sure ??? What is your life’s mission statement ??

You will only be remembered in life for your obsession. Find something that consumes you, something that is worthy of building your entire life around. Make sure your life count for God.

Let God speak to you.

God bless !!!

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