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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Ambassadors for Christ

Dear Jesus Generation,

Another session of learning from the Word of God.

Series: Your Time to Reign

Topic: Ambassadors for Christ

In telling the Philippians not to walk like the world, Paul tells them, “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

Who is an Ambassador and what do they do?

Ambassadors are the highest-ranking representatives of their governments abroad, and their primary responsibility is to represent and work towards the best interests of their government/kingdom. They are not elected—instead, they are chosen by the government or kingdom, and it is a huge honor to be chosen as one.

We, too, were bestowed with an enormous honor when God called and chose us to follow Him and to represent His Kingdom here on Earth (I Cor. 1:26).

An Ambassador is also:

1). Ready: An ambassador is alert for chances to represent Christ and will not back away from a challenge or an opportunity. 2). Patient: An ambassador won’t quarrel, but will listen in order to understand, then with gentleness will seek to respectfully engage those who disagree. 3). Honest: An ambassador is careful with the facts and will not misrepresent another’s view, overstate his own case, or understate the demands of the gospel. 4). Humble: An ambassador is provisional in his claims, knowing that his understanding of truth is fallible. He will not press a point beyond what his evidence allows. 5) Dependent: An ambassador knows that effectiveness requires joining his best efforts with God’s power. Remember, You are God’s own representative, and all we need to do is to be willing, obedient, and to be led by The Holy Spirit God to represent Jesus and His Kingdom here on Earth, each and every day of our lives. May God speak to you clearly in this regard. God bless !!!

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