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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Breastplate of Righteousness

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning, how to “Be Battle Ready” and Meditating on “ The Whole Armour of God”, written in Ephesians 6:10-18

Today’s Topic : Breastplate of Righteousness

The Second piece in The Armout of God, is mainly given to us to “Guard our Hearts”.

We “put it on” by seeking God and His righteousness above everything else (Matt 6:33). We make God and His ways our dwelling place (Psalm 91). We delight in God’s commands and desire for His ways to become our ways. When God reveals an area of change to us, we obey and allow Him to work in us.

As we wear Christ’s breastplate of righteousness, we begin to develop a purity of heart that translates into actions. We also develop more Righteousness Consciousness than Sin Consciousness.

If we do not protect ourselves with God’s righteousness, we open ourselves up to attack from the enemy and can fall into sin. We need our breastplate of righteousness in place in order to gain victory in our lives over sin, guilt and condemnation.

Allow God to speak to you more on this.

God bless!!!

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