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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Carrying A Joyful Heart

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and this time it's about "Carrying A Joyful Heart".

The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is a good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

This verse is written by the Most Wisest man on the planet - King Solomon of Israel and medical science has also found this to be absolutely true in all sense. Joy is one of the great characteristics of the Kingdom of God and is the best medicine to keep us healthy, active, and enjoy life every day.

Christians serve a joyous King, and we should be merry always. We should bring joy wherever we go. As much as we should repent from sin and turn toward the righteousness of Christ, we should also turn to His joy to enjoy the very life God has given us. For without joy, there can be no fun, no smiles, and no appreciation of the ecstasy of the Creator’s love. Joy is essential, and merriment in the service of the Lord is what makes it good. Joy is what brings righteousness and peace alive. I've personally learned that a joyful heart is a good medicine, and it can only be found in God.

We, the children of the Most High God, have been given incredible gifts, one of which is JOY, and its time for all of us to share this great gift with our family, friends, communities, colleagues, neighbors, and wherever we go, because Joy is contagious and it reflects & portrays the true nature of God through our lives.

Let God fill our lives with HIS JOY, the GREAT JOY - so that we could make this world, a much better & joyful place.

God bless !!!

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