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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Faith in God will Enrich You.

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning about, The Faith to Please God and How Faith will help us to Thrive in this World.

The Bible says in Proverbs 28:25

But the one who have Faith in The Lord will be Enriched.

Enriched means, to make somebody/something rich or richer.

Faith helps us to depend on God and His ability, to move things in our Life. That’s why, Jesus emphasised to have “Faith in God”. He responded and answered to Faith.

Our Faith in God and in His Word, not only solves our Problems, bring us Miracles, but also helps us to Grow, Prosper and Thrive in our Lives.

Think on these lines, even as you start this new day. May God be with you.


God bless !!!

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