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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Faithfulness in the KEY.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Happy Sunday.

The Bible says in Matt 25:21

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

If you earnestly desire to go from Average to Excellence, Little to Great, Insufficiency to Abundance then this is for you.

Faithfulness in the KEY.

If we carefully look at the above verse, we see three aspects we all can learn.

1). The Servant was Faithful with a few things. Whatever was in his hands, He did his best to use it wisely and His Master acknowledged it.

2). The Servant multiplied what was given to him (5 talents to 10 talents / 2 talents to 4 talents). God expects us to use our skills, talents, and gifts to bring Glory to His Name and to expand His Kingdom on Earth.

3). The servant was rewarded and got many more things to handle. Faithfulness and Loyalty are always rewarded in God's Kingdom.

Each one of us should desire to receive the same words when we meet our Master (God, Our Maker & Creator) - "Well done, Good and Faithful Servant - Come and share your master’s happiness". This is the ULTIMATE and the GREATEST REWARD for any Christian or Follower of Jesus Christ.

May this sink deep into your heart and may God give you the wisdom and understanding to be FAITHFUL and LOYAL to God in all aspects.

God bless !!!

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