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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

God created Man to have a Conversation

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning on the Subject - “Hearing God’s Voice.”.

If we carefully read The Bible, God created Man / Human Beings for 2 main reasons.

1). To have a Conversation and for fellowship.

2). To make Earth just like Heaven.

Genesis 3:8 says

And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…

Adam and Eve were able to hear the voice of God clearly, before the fall. They had no hindrances, no barriers and no issues hearing God.

So it is evident and very clear to us, that God created you and me, to have a Conversation and we can actually hear His Voice.

Let us establish this point - God can speak and we can hear Him.

Keep this thought in mind and ponder on it, even as we progress our Journey.

Allow God to speak to you.

God bless!!!

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