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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

God is The Promise Keeper

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning from the life and Journey of Joshua.

If you carefully look at The Book of Joshua, you will realise and understand - that God is a “PROMISE KEEPER”.

God made the promise and then He kept the promise of leading Israelites to their Promised Land.

God was their Principal Strategist

God was their War Commander

God was their Provider

God was their Protector

God was their Vindicator

God was their Avenger

God was their Leader, Mentor and Coach.

He became what He must become, to fulfil “THE PROMISE”.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever and He will do everything He can, to keep you safe and sound, till you reach your Divine destiny.

Hope you have learnt something new from this Character Study of Joshua.

Ponder on these words and allow God speak to you.

God bless !!!

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