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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

God Loved us, FIRST

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

Dear Jesus Generation,

Another Session of learning from the Word of God.

Series : Love NEVER Fails

Topic : God Loved us, First

The Bible says in Jer. 31:3

God Said - I have loved you with an everlasting love; thus I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Yes, it's true, even before we were formed in our mother's womb, God loved us first. This Great, unconditional, unfailing, and incredible love of God is irrespective of who we are, what we wear, what we drive, our skin tone, our nationality, our religion, our belief system and our social status - "GOD LOVES US ANYWAY".God is love, He created love, and loved us first.

This amazes me, that the GREAT I AM, the Creator of the entire Universe, The Almighty God, The Lord of the Hosts - loves me just as I am. His love for me never ever changes and He is always there for me, even in eternity. Wow, what kind of Love is this - I say "God Kind of Love, the Agape Love, the Love that the human brain cannot understand, fathom or comprehend.

And because of His Great Love, he chooses to continue His Faithfulness towards us. His Faithfulness includes His wisdom, His Favour, His blessing, His protection, His glory, His safety, His peace, and His provision. I am blessed because of God's Love.

Take some time my friend and understand this truth, that God loves you anyway. Ask God to fill you with this everlasting love and make a decision to be a channel of blessing to spread this Love to others as well.

Remember, You are Loved for Eternity.

God bless !!!

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