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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

God often speaks through His Body, The Church.

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning on the Subject - “Hearing God’s Voice.”.

God often speaks through His Body, The Church.

Jesus said - When two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them - Matt 18:20

Church is the place where you can see God’s Very Presence and when He is present, you can actually Hear Him talk.

Let’s see some of the ways:

1). Through the Sermon by the Pastor

2). Through Praise and Worship, the songs we sing.

3). Through exhortation, encouraging and corrective Bible Verses.

4). Through Prophecy by Men and Women of God

5). Through Prayer & Intercession

Hence, going to Church and being a part of His body is very important for every believer and every follower of Jesus.

I, personally, was able to hear many things in The Church, trust me, you can experience the same.

So be regular to Your Church and allow God to speak to you.

God bless!!!

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