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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

God’s Divine Calling is the First Step towards The Giant Leap

Dear Jesus Generation,

The Promise for The Year 2024 is “THE GIANT LEAP”.

Chapter 1 : God’s Divine Calling - The Journey of Abraham from a Gentile to The Father of Many Nations.

The Bible says in Genesis 12:1,2

The Lord had said to Abram, Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

We see in the above verse, that God is calling Abraham to move towards The Promised Land.

Before The Giant Leap and the Promised Land, comes, God & His Divine Calling.

God’s Calling will help you and me, to understand your True Purpose in Life.

God’s Calling will give you and me, the right direction.

God’s Calling will help you and me, to take The Giant Leap towards our Promised Land.

Until Abraham moved from his place of comfort, and obeyed God’s voice & calling, he didn't discover - what is faith, God’s Friendship & the Covenant. That was his Giant Leap.

So, take time and ask God to reveal His calling for your life. This is very important, before moving to the Place of Promise & Prominence.

We’ll be on this together, to discover Abraham’s Journey of Faith & Giant Leap, throughout this month.

Stay tuned.

God bless!!!

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