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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Have an Image Makeover

Dear Jesus Generation,

What would you do, when you are surrounded by the Insecurity, Intimidation and Impossible situation?

Joshua felt and faced the same after Moses departed.

This is where God gave him a plan and a strategy.

Joshua 1:8

Recite this scroll of the law constantly. Contemplate it day and night and be careful to follow every word it contains; then you will enjoy incredible prosperity and success.

God is asking Joshua to depend on HIM and follow His instructions, to be successful and Satisifed in Life.

In short, God is asking Joshua to get an IMAGE MAKEOVER. God wanted Joshua to Think like Him and act like Him.

Only God’s Word, can change your Image and Thinking to face the challenges of Life and overcome them.

We’ll see, what Joshua did, how he grew in trusting God and how he was successful in his Journey in our next posts.

Till then think about the above words and allow God to speak to you.

God bless !!!

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