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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Hearing God’s Voice - Focus for May

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to May.

Many of us have these questions -

1). Does God speak?

2). How does God communicate with people today?

3). How can I hear God, personally ?

4). How can I prepare myself to hear from God?

5). Will I understand, even if He speaks ?

If this is YOU, then it's time to learn from The Bible and get some answers.

We are doing a Blog Series named - “Hearing God’s Voice”.

Jesus said very clearly in John 10:27

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Let’s begin our Journey, Together.

Do follow us on this blogpost and I am sure, you will pick up some new stuff here.

Looking forward for an Amazing Time ahead.

God bless!!


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