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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

"I CAN OVERCOME”, with God's Favour.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning from The Word of God.

Series: I CAN Overcome, with God's Favour

The Bible says in Proverbs 12:2

A good man will obtain FAVOUR from the Lord.

If we carefully see the life story of Ruth in the Bible, we can learn so many things about God's GRACE & God's FAVOUR.

A Widow, who chose to follow her Mother-in-law to a foreign nation, serving a New God, found tremendous favor and became the Queen of the same field where she picked the food to survive. Amazing story from a widow to the Queen and then to become the grandmother of King David and Great Great Grand Mother of Jesus Christ. What a privilege & honor, to get a place in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Ruth's simple obedience attracted God's Favour and Grace to overcome her situation, turn things around and become prominent in History.

I love this scripture and the way she said, this should actually be our daily confession in life.

Ruth 2:13

"May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord," she said.

What we cannot do with our natural ability, skills, gifts, or talents, God can do with His Favour & Grace. When God grants you HIS FAVOUR, Nothing in this world can stop your BLESSING & PROGRESS. The FAVOUR of God will open the way and one touch of God's Favour can shift you into something great.

It's time we understand God's Favour, ask of it every day, and then depend on God's Favour to excel and succeed in this world, for His glory.

"I CAN OVERCOME”, with God's Favour - This is my confession and my perception in Life.

God bless !!!

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