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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Intentionally Created by God to Rule & Reign

Dear Jesus Generation, Welcome to another session of learning and this time together let us dwell upon the subject of "Time to REIGN / The Promise for the Year 2021".

Series. : Time to REIGN

Chapter 1. : Intentionally Created by God to Rule & Reign Before understanding God, as a KING, we should try to understand God, as a CREATOR. So we need to start from the beginning. The first words from God (Creator) to man (Adam) is about Rulership (to have dominion, to rule & to reign). Genesis 1:26 says, Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, SO THAT THEY MAY RULE over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and overall the creatures that move along the ground. The main intention of God in creating Adam is to replicate Heaven on Earth. God is ruling the entire Universe and Adam will rule the planet Earth by all means, under God's direct supervision and authority. Adam messed it up in the Garden of Eden and God has to send His dear son, JESUS to fix it and then accomplish this vision again - to RULE & REIGN. Hold this thought in your mind before we go any further, that YOU and I are Intentionally Created by God to RULE & REIGN in Life. God gave everything YOU need to Rule & Reign, that includes His Name, His blood, His Word, His Authority, His Holy Spirit, His Strength, His Wisdom, His Favour, His Anointing, His Mind, His Boldness, His Light, and His Ability.

Say it out loud, I am Intentionally Created by God to Rule & Reign in my life and nothing by no means shall stop me from doing so. This is My Time to Rule & Reign through JESUS Christ - Amen. God bless !!!

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