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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Jesus Kind of Love

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning from the Word of God.

Series : Love NEVER Fails

Topic : Jesus kind of Love

The Bible says in John 13:34

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

How different was Jesus Love from the rest of the world ??

Jesus was born in a manger

Jesus was born in a carpenters family

His chosen disciples were all commoners (fishermen, tax collector, ordinary people like you & me)

He healed the lepers

He forgave Prostitutes

He ate with tax collectors

He spoke to Samaritans (the unloved in those times)

He came to save that which was lost

He came to lay down His life for all the mankind

He showed love to people like no one else. He forgave even those who crucified him on the cross.

This is LOVE. This is JESUS kind of Love. Loving the Unloved, undeserved and unworthy.

Jesus came down to Earth to show this Divine love to each one of us, so that we could replicate the same in and through our lives.

We are His followers and His Kingdom representatives here on Earth and are asked to show His kind of Love to others.

This is not easy and this is not simple, but with the help of the Holy Spirit God we all can do this in and through our lives.

As Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I pray that God will fill each one of us with His strength and ability to demonstrate this “Divine Agape Love” to reach out to many and be a blessing.

Remember, You are Loved for Eternity, to love others the same way Jesus loved you.

Got bless !!!

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