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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Joy is very important for Evangelism

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and this time it's about "Joy is very important for Evangelism".

The Bible says John 15:11,

Jesus said to his disciples' things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you that your joy might be full.

Jesus came to give us Life and Life in its Fulness and Joy is very much included in it. God really wants our joy to be full.

But too many people drag through the day with a sour outlook, no enthusiasm. They hardly ever smile. They never laugh anymore. Everything is a burden. But God never created us to endure life, He created us to enjoy life. We’re not supposed to go around with a long face, negative, discouraged, sour, and grumpy.

Every child of God ought to have conscience joy.

Every child of God ought to have conspicuous joy.

Every child of God ought to have continuous joy.

Every child of God ought to have contagious joy.

Joy is the birthmark of a Christian and the birthright of every child of God.

And if you're not living a life of joy then you're living beneath your privileges as a Christian. And it's so important that you have the joy to win the lost. If you want people to believe in your savior dead friend, the mark of the authenticity of Christ in your life is the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ. They're not all that interested in your creed. They're not all that interested in your doctrines & theology. They're not all that interested in your organizations. They want to know is it working for you and there's nothing more attractive in winning the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ than the joy of the Lord. As believers, you and I are supposed to be the happiest people on earth. Everywhere we go we should be so full of joy that we brighten other people’s day.

So please understand, that you being JOYFUL attracts many people towards JESUS & Saves them from eternal fire & hell. Think about it.

God bless !!!

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