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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Joy of Giving...

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and this time it's about "Joy of Giving".

Even as we have entered the season of Christmas, let me take you to a famous scripture in the Bible that we all know byheart - John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he GAVE his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Giving is an integral part of Christmas.

God gave His only Son to the world.

The Angels gave their BEST Worship to JESUS, by singing and praising God.

Mary GAVE her womb to bear the child.

The Inn Keeper GAVE the manger.

The Shepherds GAVE from what they have.

The Wise men bought precious gifts and GAVE them to Jesus.

What can we GIVE ???

1). The BEST Gift you can GIVE, is to Give your HEART to JESUS.

2). Give your time to God, to understand His heart and plan for your life.

3). Give your gifts & talents to spread the Gospel and expand the kingdom of God

4). Give to others, what the Spirit of God is telling you. There are many in need, ask God to use you to be a blessing to them.

5). Give what you have joyfully & cheerfully.

There is more Joy in GIVING than receiving. I encourage you to be a blessing and a gift to someone this season because Christmas is all about Giving.

Have a great time of GIVING & Spreading JOY during this season.

God bless !!!

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