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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Love - The Most Important Aspect in The Kingdom of God.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to November, another New Month, God has given to us in His grace and mercy.

This month, we are focusing on one of the greatest traits, Jesus showed, while He walked on this planet.

LOVE” - The Most Important Aspect in The Kingdom of God.

The Bible says in I John 4:7,8

Beloved, let us LOVE one another: for LOVE is of GOD, and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.

The Kingdom of God is The Kingdom of Love.

Join us and do follow us, even as we start this amazing journey, about LOVE. We are sure, God will speak to you and your life will be changed for good.

Have a GREAT NOVEMBER ahead.

God bless!!!

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