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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Make PRAYER, the Top Priority

Dear Jesus Generation,

I strongly believe that God is preparing us as a Nation for a REVIVAL.

A PRAYER Revival and A WORSHIP Revival. To Seek God like never before as ONE NATION and to Worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.

We are calling the month of August, "The PRAYER Month" to seek God and to spend more time with Him (personally) - knowing His Heart and His Will for each one of us.

Come join us in this journey to "KNOW GOD" on a deeper level, to understand the importance of PRAYER, and more importantly to spend time with Our Creator. Even as we do this, I am sure, God will speak to us, visit us, empower us, give us breakthroughs in our lives, give us an encounter with Him, show us His goodness and fill us like never before with His presence and anointing.

Have a POWERFUL Month ahead.

God bless !!!

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