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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Marriage is honorable in all

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning.

When God called the animals to enter into the Noah’s Ark, He called them in Pairs (Male & Female). Together they could fulfill the purpose of replenishing this earth again. He always made us in pairs and called us to do His works as One.

That’s why Marriage is so important to God and us as believers. Satan understands this fact and that’s why he is always after marriages, never leaving a chance to destroy it completely. If he destroys the institution of marriage, he can destroy the Church altogether.

If we see in the Bible, Jesus’s first miracle was at a Marriage, He turned Water into Wine and began His Ministry. He became the Bridegroom coming back again to take His prepared Bride (Church). See how important the aspect of Marriage is to God.

Now how can we protect our Marriage and shine for Jesus?

1). Let Jesus be the Center of your Marriage. When God becomes your First priority, He will cover and protect your marriage. He will teach and lead you to work it out.

2). Let Love be the driving force of your marriage. Love each other as Jesus loves you. Fall in love every day with your spouse. Don’t forget you are ONE and not two anymore.

3). Trust, Respect, and loyalty are very important for the growth of your marriage. Forgive each other more often and pray for each other continuously.

Love + Trust + Respect + Loyalty + Forgiveness + Prayer = Long Lasting Relationship.

God bless your Marriage !!!

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