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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa


Dear Jesus Generation,

The Bible promises us in Psalm 84:11

For the LORD God is a SUN and SHIELD; the LORD bestows FAVOUR and HONOUR. No GOOD THING does he withhold from those who WALK UPRIGHTLY.

Indeed, the God that we serve is a Faithful God.

1). He is our Sun - Becoming our light in the most darkest hour of our life.

2). He is our Shield - protecting us from every evil plan and the attacks.

3). He gives us favour & honour - so that we could succeed and excel in this world for His Name sake and to bring Him the glory.

4). He blesses us with every good thing that we ever need here.

The only thing God expects from us is to “Walk Uprightly” or to “Walk with Him everyday”.

Take some time today and meditate on this verse and let the Holy Spirit God speak to you.

God bless !!!

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