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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

My times are in God’s hands !!!

Dear Jesus Generation,

I was reminded today of the words the Psalmist says in Psalms 31:15

My times are in your hands, Oh God”.

So very true. Our times are not in our hands, not even in the hands of the devil, but in the safest hands of Almighty God, our very Creator.

So it doesn’t matter what year it is now, what year it will be in a few days, what is the season, the future predictions, the expert opinions, and even the prophecies of religious leaders. Be rest assured and say it out loud - My times and seasons are in the Hands of God. He holds my future and I completely trust in Him. He is the Alpha & the Omega - The Beginning & The End. He has seen my future, even before I was formed in my mother’s womb. He knows my end from the beginning and He will help me fulfill the divine destiny and the unique purpose for which I was created. I am anointed and I am highly favoured by God. He knows how to protect me, provide for me, and give me peace in the midst of the storm. My God is in total control of my life and I am counting on Him.

The calendar might change, the times might change, the seasons might change - but My God will never ever change.

God bless !!!

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