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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Obedience to God & His Word, makes you an Overcomer.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning from The Word of God.

Series : Overcoming The World with Christ

Topic : Obedience to God & His Word, makes you an Overcomer

Many people today are struggling to understand why they seem to live in continuous defeat, why their prayers aren’t answered, and why they cannot seem to get ahead, no matter how hard they try.

My Friend, the answer may be quite simple! Are you walking with God or away from God? Disobedience can rob you of blessings, but OBEDIENCE to The Word of God can help you OVERCOME every situation that tries to pull you down and overwhelm you with stress, fear, and worry.

The Bible says in Isaiah 1:19,20

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Our ability to receive from God is based upon our faith and obedience to His promises. We will prosper and thrive when we yield to His ways.

God’s desire is for us all to live prosperous, healthy, victorious lives. When you know the Word of God, obedience is easy, and victory follows. When you know the Word of God, you can walk by faith, and take hold of every good thing, which Jesus has already provided.

I pray, let God give you strength and ability to obey Him and His Word in every aspect of life to be blessed, fruitful, and more importantly to OVERCOME the world.

God bless !!!

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