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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Our Lives ultimate Goal (HE > I)

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning.

He must become GREATER and I must become Less Important - John 3:30

These are the words of John The Baptist when his disciples asked him about Jesus and his growing Ministry. He is the same John who baptized Jesus (The Son of God - The Creator - God in Flesh) just a week ago before the entire crowd.

3 Things we can learn from the life of John the Baptist:

  1. John could have had ego problems with Jesus and become jealous about Jesus’s work, as he came first to preach the repentance and about kingdom of God - but instead, he humbled himself, allowing God to work in his life to prepare the way for Jesus and His ministry (that’s his true calling). Likewise, we need to Humble ourselves to glorify Jesus in and through our lives.

  2. John was able to acknowledge and discern the voice of God and said out loud “Behold The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. Likewise, we should desire to hear from God and obey His instructions in our lives

  3. John tells his disciples to follow Jesus and not him. He has shown them the RIGHT WAY, leading them to Jesus. Likewise, our lives should lead people to both show and reflect Jesus for people to follow Him.

"Greatest Reward for John the Baptist":

Jesus Himself calls John the Baptist - The Last and the Greatest Prophet who ever walked on Earth ( Matt 11:11).

What a privilege and what a testimony to bear for God. This is the greatest purpose of our lives is to glorify Jesus in our lives, magnify His Name and be a witness for Him until our last breath / till He Returns. We are here to glorify Jesus and Him alone.

Let the Holy Spirit God speak to you.

God bless !!!!

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