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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Pray More...

Dear Jesus Generation,

Another New Month, God has given to each one of us in His Grace and Mercy, to shine for Him and to bring Glory to His name.

Welcome to September, 2022.

The Bible says in Proverbs 15:8

The Prayer of the upright pleases God.

I believe, God is preparing every church and every believer on this planet, “To Pray More”. One, not to fall into temptation and two, to see His Kingdom come & to be established here on Earth.

His return is very close and we all are living in the End times, it’s time to rise up and take dominion over the matters of this planet.

Prayer & Intercession, will be our core focus points of this month and I am sure, each one of us will not only learn, but also will do our part, to fulfil His plans & purposes.

Have a “Prayer Filled Super September” ahead.

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God bless !!!

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