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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Prayer is not a burden.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to “The PRAYER Month”.

We all know how IMPORTANT is PRAYER in our lives, but we still neglect and miss this point to spend time every day with our God and with our Creator.

What is the reason ???

Lack of passion, lack of love, lack of time, lack of desire, lack of hunger for things of God and lack of understanding are hindering us, stopping us, deviating us not to come before God, seek His face and know Him more. To be honest, Prayer has become a burden to many.

I pray from this day onwards, every shackle is broken and every excuse torn apart and you will LOVE to come and spend time with God, every day. I Pray, You will experience total freedom and Liberty to Seek God daily, in Jesus Name.

Let PRAYER become your First Love, bringing GREAT JOY to your life.

Have a PRAYERFUL Day ahead.

God bless !!!

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