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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Prepare Yourself in The Spirit of God.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Happy Sunday.

If we carefully look at the Life of Jesus and at The early Church, they both depended on the leading of the Holy Spirit God and hence moved with the Power of God and did great exploits. The key is their “Preparation”.

Jesus was led by The Holy Spirit into the wildernesses to “Prepare Himself” for 40 days ( Matt 4).

The early Church waited in the upper room for the infilling of The Holy Spirit (Acts 2)

Even in the parable of 10 virgins, Jesus asked the Church today (His Bride) to be “well prepared with OIL ( Holy Spirit)” in order to receive Him again (Matt 25).

Preparation is a must for every Christian to stay focused in God. Preparation empowers us to receive from God & to be led by His Holy Spirit. Preparation will help us to move in the Power of God.

I believe, this world will soon see “The Power Revival”, and God is looking for “Prepared People” to demonstrate His Kingdom under the leading of the Holy Spirit God. Take time & start Preparing yourself. May God speak to you.

God bless !!!

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