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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Serve God, as a Family

Dear Jesus Generation,

Happy Sunday to all.

We are learning on the subject of “Serving God, as a Family”.

There is no greater reward in this life than having your “family together”, Loving one another and Serving God.

We are talking about TWO IMPORTANT Things here - LOVING & SERVING.

As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our Children, both to Love God and also to Serve Him. This begins first in the family, as they watch us doing and hence it is very important, to show Love towards one another and also to Serve one another.

The family that serves together loves together. Relationships are strengthened when you serve as a family. Serving other is another form of loving others.

Think about it and ask God to give you Wisdom & Direction in this regard, to teach your Children. I am sure, He will.

God bless !!!

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