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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Serving God is an Honour

Dear Jesus Generation,

This Month's Topic: Here I am Lord, Use me.

When Jesus left this earth to heaven, He (Jesus) instructed and commanded us to be His hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth. We are to take the message of the Gospel to anyone and everyone we can (Matthew 28:18-20).

5 Simple Ways to Serve God, every day.

1). Be Kind to others

The absolute best way you can serve both God and others is to be Kind. Kindness is God's attribute.

2). Pray for those in need

Take time to pray for others, especially those in need, those not keeping well, those in addictions, and those who went off the track.

3). Use your Gifts & Talents

We all have gifts, talents, and skills that we can use to share The Gospel and to enhance The Kingdom of God.

4). Share Your Testimony

Just tell, how good God has been to you. Share your story.

5). Give

Giving is Loving. You can give your Time, Money, and wisdom to take the Gospel forward.

Think about how you can "Serve God" and let God speak to you. Follow His instructions to fulfill your divine purpose.

God Bless !!!

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