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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Sowing in tears, but reaping in Joy

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and this time it's about "Sowing in Tears, but Reaping in JOY".

The Bible says in Psalm 126: 5,6

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

When this psalm was written the Israelites were totally surrounded by their enemies. They were "shut up" ---- there was no way out whatsoever. There was no way for any kind of life-sustaining supplies to be brought in. There was also a famine in the land and people were dying every day from starvation. There was no hope for tomorrow being any better, only worse.

Have any of you ever been there? I have been there myself personally. For 7 long years, I and my wife prayed for a child, nothing happened - the doctors gave up because of the medical history, every hospital said "it is impossible" and all the reports were negative - laughing at us that you cannot have children.

We were in tears for 7 long years - but we believed that God is faithful and He will bless us with His seed and Godly children.

In Feb 2018, we received a word from God (a Rhema Word) that we will have a child and it will be a slap on the devil's face. My wife conceived the same month and bought forth a beautiful, healthy, and normal baby girl against all odds on November 23rd, 2018. We named her Elysia (God's Oath).

Today, my daughter is 2 years old and every time we look at her, our hearts are filled with JOY & GRATITUDE, giving all the Glory to God for His goodness, every day and every minute of our lives.

We sowed in tears, now we are reaping in Joy. We have a song to sing for the Glory of God.

Who made this possible ??? JESUS made it possible for us and we will never be ashamed or hesitant to share this truth with the entire world.

In the same way, it doesn't matter what is your situation right now, believe that God is well able to turn things around for your good and you will see things changing very soon with your own eyes. You will reap with Joy. You will have your Miracle. This is the promise of God.

So stay focused on God and wait for His timing, like me you will have a testimony to share with the world, very soon.

God bless !!!

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