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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Speak Like a King

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and this time together let us dwell upon the subject of "Time to REIGN / The Promise for the Year 2021".

Series: Your Time to Reign

Chapter 6: Speak Like a King

Have you ever heard the words of a King, they are willed with power, authority, and dominion. Whatever The King says, the entire army, the council of ministers, and even the commoners have to just obey and fulfill them without any deviation. There is none to alter his words and none to question as well (except God).

We are called the Kings & Queens in Jesus Christ and we should also speak like a King.

4 Important Aspects that we need to know:

1) God is our Source:

Our Authority, Power & Dominion comes from God and not of our own. We are here to obey God's instructions and work to fulfill them and not our own in any way.

2). Understand God's Constitution:

The Bible is our Constitution and given to us to understand the Heart of God, the rules and the policies, the do's and the dont's in order to rule in a fair & upright way. We are here to rule as per The Bible and not as per our own.

3). The Name of Jesus:

Jesus, made it all possible for us, and understanding the Power & Authority in The Name of Jesus (The NAME Above all Names on Earth and in Heaven) will help us to rule well. It is only in Jesus' name, we can.

4). The Holy Spirit God:

The Holy Spirit God is given to us to walk in the will of God and to accomplish the ways of God. Depend on Him to fulfill what God wants us to do.

We are Talking Spirits (Just like God & made in the Image of God) and our words have the power to create as well. So speak like a King (understanding the above 4 aspects) and the entire angelic army, the heavenly hosts, and even nature will obey and fulfill them without any deviation.

Our Words soaked in the Word of God, backed by the Name of Jesus and full of Faith, are as powerful as in the mouth of God.

Remember, It is Your Time to Rule & Reign over impossible situations, untoward circumstances, and most importantly over the dark forces of the evil one.

God bless !!!

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