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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

The Bloodline of JESUS, makes you the King.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning and this time together let us dwell upon the subject of "Time to REIGN / The Promise for the Year 2021".

Series: Your Time to Reign

Chapter 3: The Bloodline of JESUS

In our last lesson, we understood that JESUS came not only to save us from sin & death, but also to Rule & Reign like a King. He preached about The Kingdom of God. He is both Saviour & Born King.

Today, we will try to understand what makes someone King. One of the important aspect in deciding the King is the Bloodline.

The Bloodline of The King gives anyone in the King's family, the access to become the King. For example, the Legitimate Son of the King, The Prince automatically becomes The King because of the Bloodline he has.

When Jesus shed his blood on the cross, He said "It is Finished", meaning Sin is Finished, Death is Finished, Slavery is Finished, Separation from God is Finished, Poverty is Finished, Sickness is Finished, Bondage is Finished and the Blood opened a Way for all of us to call God, Our Father and to become heirs to the Inheritance of God through Jesus Christ (Eph 2:13). We are now Royalty, Kings & Queens, Holy Nation, Rulers, Lords, and people with Dominion & Authority (1 Peter 2:9).

Why did God make us Kings & Rulers ? What is the purpose ??

1). To declare God's Name and His kingdom all over the Earth

2). To execute God's rulership on Earth as His representatives.

3). To proclaim His praises and lift up His Name on High in all the Earth

For this reason, Jesus said in the Lord's prayer "Thy Kingdom come and thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven". We are here to Rule & Reign under the Mighty hand of God and to make this planet a slice of Heaven. Is this not the vision of God and the primary purpose when He made man (Adam) and placed him in the Garden of Eden? Think about it, my friend.

The Bloodline of Jesus gives us the legitimacy to become Kings & Queens and to Rule & Reign on this planet under His leadership. This is our purpose and this is God's eternal plan for each one of us. Say it out loud, I have the Bloodline of Jesus and I am well qualified to rule & reign like Him.

Let this truth sink deep down in your heart. May Holy Spirit God speak to you today.

Remember, It is Your Time to Rule & Reign over impossible situations, untoward circumstances, and most importantly over the dark forces of the evil one.

God bless !!!

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