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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

The New Anointing

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to April 2022.

First of all, we should be grateful to God, we made it this far. Thank you Jesus.

This Month, we are dwelling on 1 John 2:27

As for you, the anointing you received from God remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things.

I deeply sensed the word, “The New Anointing”.

I believe, God is preparing each one of us for something great and wonderful. He is ready to pour out a “New Anointing” to show forth His glory through each one of us.

New Anointing to Dream Big

New Anointing to believe His word like never before

New Anointing to Pray & Intercede

New Anointing to speak about Jesus, boldly

New Anointing to Serve God

New Anointing to do the impossible

Believe it my friend and partner with God, to see His Kingdom grow & expand.

Have an “Anointing filled April” ahead.

God bless !!!

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