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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

The Obstacle is the PATH

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning.

James 1:12 says,

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

There is always a trial before trophy, an obstacle before significance, a test before the testimony, a fight before faith, and a wilderness before the promised land.

  • Abraham faced barrenness before becoming the Father of many nations

  • Moses faced the wilderness before going back to Pharoah to lead the Israelites out of slavery

  • Joshua had to face fortified cities, trained warriors and giants before entering the promised land

  • Israelites have to face the Red Sea first in order to reach their promised land

  • Joseph has to go through Pit, Potiphar, and prison before reaching the Palace

  • Gideon had to believe that he is a mighty man of valor and God is with him in the battle.

  • David has to face Goliath in order to be the King of Israel

  • Jesus has to face the suffering of the cross before His Name is exalted above all other Names under the sky and on earth.

They all have become "Heroes of Faith" to give us a lesson and help us go through the hardships with Faith, patience, and perseverance.

Each one of us has to go through the obstacles before reaching our destiny. God sometimes wants to see what’s in your heart and what you are made up of, before rewarding you and taking you to the promised land.

I like what Paul says in Phil 4:13

I can do all things through Him (Jesus Christ) who gives me strength.

So don’t grumble and murmur, but have faith and patience in order to see your reward.

God bless !!!

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