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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning, how to “Be Battle Ready” and Meditating on “The Whole Armour of God”, written in Ephesians 6:10-18

Today’s Topic : The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

The Bible says in Romans 10:15

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

The Gospel of Jesus is to be preached to every Man & Woman on Earth, that's the greatest responsibility, given to every believer, who follows Jesus Christ.   

How can we preach the Gospel in the present world??

1) Share your Testimony with people around you. Your Story is the Best Thing you have to share with others.

2) Show the Love of God to others. Jesus did the same, He demonstrated God’s love in Human form. We need to follow the same. Be a channel of blessing, wherever you are.

3). Invite people to your Church and let God speak to them. It is always Holy Spirit God’s responsibility to convince them and convict them.

These are 3 simple and basic ways, to tell about Jesus and what He has done on The cross for us. Rest leave it to God to handle and take it forward.

Remember, Saving souls is still our Number 1 Priority and we must Never Ever forget that.

Let God speak to you.

God bless!!!

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