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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Train your Children to PRAY.

Dear Jesus Generation,

We are learning about the Topic, “Pray More”.

Today’s Topic : Train your Children to PRAY.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

We all need to teach our children, “How to read The Bible and “Pray” and spend time with their Creator.

3 Simple ways you can do it:

1.  Pray in front of your kids.

Show your children the importance of prayer, by praying in front of them. This may be Dinner/ Lunch Prayer, Bed time Prayer, When you go out of the house, For needs of the Family, When someone is not well and speaking a blessing on your Children. They will imitate you for sure and your Prayer will become their prayer too.

2.  Involve your Children to Pray.

Ask them to pray for food or going to bed, in their own Simple words. They will slowly pick it up, to pray for big things and more importantly, to be consistent.

3.  Ask them to make their Wishlist and Pray to God about it.

Children has needs and desires, make a list and let them pray to God, for the Answer. Trust me, when God answers their prayers, they will be happy to “Pray More”.

Hope you learnt something good today, ask God to give you Wisdom to teach and train your kids to Pray and spend time with God.

Remember, to “Pray More”.

God bless !!!

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