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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

What do you believe as a Leader ??

Leadership Lesson !!!

The Bible says in Luke 6:22,23

Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.

If we carefully look at the life of JESUS, He was slandered, falsely accused, people said He was possessed with devils. Countless accusations were hurled like stones against Jesus every day of His life, but it never affected Him in any way. He never wasted time with critics, He kept His attention on His goal and stayed focused.

Jesus knew what He was really about. He believed in Himself and the one who sent Him (believed in God).

Jesus never begged anyone to believe in Him. He knew that integrity cannot be proven, it must be discerned. Jesus never strives to look good, He simply was GOOD. He did not labor to appear truthful. He was TRUTHFUL. He never struggled to have a good reputation. He had CHARACTER.

In the same way, we all face hardship, tough times and challenges in our Leadership walk, we should behave and act like JESUS. It is not what men say about you that really matters in life. It is what you believe about yourself matters the most. Never allow what others say about you to change your opinion of what you are and what God calls you to be.

I pray that God will give you wisdom and strength to carry on the goal and the dream that God placed in your life. May your life shine for Jesus.

God bless !!!

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