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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Lessons from Noah’s Ark....

Updated: Aug 15, 2020

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to another session of learning.

The first-ever lockdown that mankind has ever seen was actually the plan of God. God warned the mankind of the coming floods, instructed them to get into the ark, and then allowed the lockdown to happen.

Today its a similar case with us because of this COVID-19. Whatever is the crisis and however bleak it may look - As believers, God hasn't forgotten about us and He has a way out for each one of us during these troubled times.

Four important things we all can learn from Noah's Ark Lockdown:

1.God's Protection:

God instructed Noah to build the ark in a specific way, He knew how terrible would be the storm and the conditions. In the same way, He knows how to protect His children today as well.

A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.”  - Psalm 91:7

2. God's Provision:

God provided not only for Noah's family but for every animal in the ark for 40 long days. 3 days a meal to everyone in the ark. He is our Jehovah Jireh - Our Provider, and the very source of our provision during these times.

3. God's Preservation:

God preserved Noah's family for a new world and a new beginning. He started the human race again with His righteous children. Because of Jesus, each one of us is called the Righteousness of God, so do not panic or worry - you will not leave this planet until you fulfill your divine purpose and destiny in God.

4. God's Peace:

When the rain stopped and the flood water decreased, Noah and his family saw a Rainbow.

This Rainbow depicts God Peace and Harmony, a symbol of covenant promise from God to mankind again. Very soon we all shall see the rainbow again.

God is protecting you, provide for you, preserve you, and will give you peace in these troubled times. This is my prayer for each of you.

God bless.

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