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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa


Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to The Month of "GIVING".

Many have this question - WHY SHOULD I GIVE TO GOD?

1). Giving is an Expression of Love.

Our giving to God should not be burdensome but should be done to express how we love God. When we are totally consumed by the love of God, we will want to give our all to Him.

2). Giving is an act of worship.

Whenever we decide to honour God through our giving, we acknowledge His ownership of our resources. Proverbs 3:9 says “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops”. This helps boost our confidence in Him, knowing that He is in control of everything.

3). Giving encourages our trust in God.

Our giving not only acknowledges the lordship of God over our resources. It also increases our faith in Him.

4). Giving advances the Kingdom of God.

This should be the heartbeat of giving for every Christian. Our giving is a form of partnership with God with respect to the gospel. When we sponsor the gospel of Christ, we are fulfilling the will of God concerning His kingdom.

5). Giving opens the doors of blessing.

Giving not only proves our love for the Lord. It is also a sure way to have God’s blessings flowing in and through our lives.

Acts 20:35 says,

It is more blessed to give than receive.

Do you now see how GIVING makes us more BLESSED than getting? We can get so much happiness when we see how God is glorified in our giving and when we see Him bless others through our giving.

Let God speak to you.

God Bless !!!

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