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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Win Souls, Not Arguments…

Dear Jesus Generation,

I strongly felt to share this important aspect, that we all are here to “SHARE THE GOSPEL, tell the world about JESUS and His FINISHED work on the CROSS and WIN SOULS”. This is the ONLY MISSION, we all have until our last breath.

But on the contrary, today we see the church at large and most of the believers are DIVERTED, proving a point to the world, taking sides of who's right and who's not, involving in debates, doing opinion polls, winning arguments and losing precious time at hand.

Jesus was very clear in giving us the GREAT COMMISSION - To go and preach the good news, about the CROSS and the kingdom of God (Matt 28:16-20)

Devil has deceived us for too long in this aspect, let us all be more DILIGENT & FOCUSED in fulfilling the mission - “To populate Heaven and plunder Hell”, to save as many souls as possible from eternal fire & damnation.

Allow God to speak to you and Let's be WISER to be led by the spirit of God in this area.

God bless!!!

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