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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Your Faith can Marvel God

Dear Jesus Generation,

Do you know, Your Faith can Marvel God???

The word “to marvel” or “to stand amazed” (thaumazo) is pretty common in the gospels. But it’s almost always used in connection with the crowd’s response to Jesus.

In fact, there are only two times in the New Testament where Jesus is said to marvel.

One is in Mark 6:7 where Jesus marvels at the unbelief in Nazareth. The other occasion is in Luke 7:9 where Jesus marvels at the Centurion and his great faith. These are the only two times we have a record of Jesus marveling.

Yes, Your Strong Faith in Jesus can Marvel God.

Never ever lose your Faith. Stay strong and just believe.

God bless!!!

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