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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Your Hunger & Thirst, Always attracts God's Goodness…

Dear Jesus Generation,

Welcome to The Month of "Thanksgiving".

Today's Topic: Your Hunger & Thirst, Always attracts God's Goodness.

David wrote Psalm 107 as a prayer of thanksgiving to God. I love Psalm 107:9, which reads: “For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” You know that feeling of satisfaction when you’re really thirsty, and you take a drink from a nice, tall glass of water? Or what about when you're working all day with little or no time to break for food, and you sit down to enjoy one of your favorite meals?

Having a relationship with God has a similar effect. Only God can satisfy the deepest longings of your soul, and only He can fill your hungry soul with goodness.

I am reminded of Mary and Martha's story in Luke 10th chapter. Mary chose to sit back and hear Jesus, whereas Martha was busy with the things of God and forgot to spend time with Jesus. Many times, we also behave like Martha, very busy and occupied throughout the day.

Luke 10:42 says

There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.

God wants us to go after Him, to stay Hungry and Thirsty - to seek Him, to know Him more, and to stay connected with Him. This is the SECRET and the SOURCE of all BLESSINGS, to remain and stay connected with God.

Allow God to speak to you and take some time to ponder on these words.

God bless !!!

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