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  • Writer's pictureVincent Baasa

Your STORY is what YOU have.

Dear Jesus Generation,

Do you know that God placed you strategically, wherever you are now for a reason and for a purpose ??? It is to TELL people around you about JESUS and what HE has done for them on the CROSS.

And the BEST TOOL you have, is to share your STORY. Share your TESTIMONY of how God changed your LIFE personally, your EXPERIENCES, your ENCOUNTERS with God so far.

So take some time today, SUBMIT yourself to the HOLY SPIRIT GOD and ask Him to LEAD you to show people at your workplace, in your neighbourhood and in your family to share “YOUR STORY”.

May GOD give you the BOLDNESS, His WISDOM and the COURAGE to speak under His influence and use you mightily from this day onwards, to save many souls from eternal fire and be added to His Kingdom.

God bless !!!

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